The initial interviewer takes.
This assignment came at a time when I was having an anxiety attack due to school-related pressures. I was so consumed by the negative thoughts and I needed an outlet to release myself from the agony. I started having ideas of what I want to be, I wrote them down and before I knew it, I’ve created a new persona. The assignment started out well and I have been motivation for this has been consistent. There were not many major struggles. The only problem which took more than a week to solve was sourcing for the suitable fabric. Before shooting the video, I thought of a few scenarios like for an example, how to start an interview with Moom? Since Moom only appears when one falls into a deep sleep, should I pretend I’m a reporter and record myself feigning sleep? I tried to film 10 over takes for that scene but after viewing it over again, it was far too cheesy. I removed the entire part and shot the video in 3 parts instead:
1. Introduction to the environment of Moom
2. Introduction of Moom to screen
3. Final scene of Moom
As my mask requires the wearer to cover her face, I was concerned of not being able to see myself as I act so I got Maya to help me out with the acting. During the production, the weather was in my favour; the birds and wind came too when I needed them.